Mining metals is essential for human existence, however mining causes long lasting damage to the environment. Boojum Research offers techniques from Ecological Engineering to make mine waste treatment a sustainable and affordable activity, for the benefit of future generations.
projects included in this website
Methods to contain and neutalize contaminants
A partial list of our clients and collaborators
ALCAN, International
BP Resources (Talisman Energy, Inc.)
Cape Breton Development Corp
Curragh Resources Ltd.
Denison Mines, Ltd.
Falconbridge, Ltd.
INCO, Ltd.
Kennecott Corporation
Kidd Creek Mines, Ltd.
Les Mines Selbaie
Rio Algom, Ltd.
Shell International Research, Maatschappij, B.V.
Brazilian Minas Gerais
Zinifex, Australia
AMIRA, Australia
University of Toronto, Ontario
Institute of Environmental Studies, University of Toronto
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa
Fakultät für Chemie, Biofilm Centre, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Lehrstuhl Gewässerschutz, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Germany
Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Berlin, Germany
Technical University, Zurich (ZHAW)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ministry of Natural Resources of Ontario
Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada
Department of Transport, Halifax
National Research Council of Canada
Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada
IAEA, Vienna
Wismut GmbH
World Bank
We are a virtual company, our extended team is worldwide
President Founder and chief scientist
Chief executive officer
Scientist and editor
Events, Conferences and Notices
We have relocated our webpage to from our old web address We have moved our webpage and updated it for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Our existing page located at developed in FLASH will be discontinued in the near future.
We are pleased to announce the release of the book: “Mine Wastes and Water, Ecological Engineering and Metals Extraction”
Written Reports
Laurentian Library Report Archive
Reference Library
Years of Research